Silver Lining?

I have had such a horrible few weeks this last month. I am dealing with stuff with my son and, well, I am so angry with myself.

My son is having issues at school and it has been exhausting to deal with and try to figure out ways to take care of the situation and my son. I do it because it’s important and I’ll never consider giving up, that doesn’t mean I can’t say it’s exhausting right? I am trying my best. Hopefully this next month I can get some answers and some help for my son.

I am angry with myself because once again I was dumb with my money and once again I will be over drafted in my account. *sigh* I can’t blame anyone else but me and there are no circumstances I can say lead to it really. I didn’t pay attention to my spending again and not I’m stuck. I realize this so for the most part I haven’t taken my anger out on the kids which is good, only because I have gotten better at realizing why I feel how I feel and the source and whatnot. That’s progress I suppose, the silver lining?

I hope the next few weeks will be better.