There is a movie that starred Meg Ryan called “When a Man Loves a Woman” in the movie Meg’s character was a barely functioning alcoholic. She hit rock bottom and finally decided to get sober. At this point in the film she was dealing with an argument between her two girls and the husband comes in to take over telling her something like “don’t you think you have enough to handle with that cup of coffee?” And makes the girls talk with him and not Meg’s character. Like now that the character is trying to take a more active role in her own life, it’s affecting the rest of the people around her including the husband. So now that Meg’s character is working on handling things on her own the rest have to adjust to the change in the dynamic. I feel like I am dealing with a similar situation right now and I don’t know how to go from here. I also feel like as I try to work on myself more and let myself get stronger and more engaged in life I get pushback from those around me because they are too used to me having a more passive approach in my life. bleh