So I am starting a lifestyle blog. I will talk about my 25+ journey with PTSD, all things Tom Geek, gaming, parenting, and anything that is about life in general. This blog is mainly a window to my world. I hope you like it and continue to share my journey with me!
I intend to write at least once a week or more depending on how interesting my life gets that week. I also write so I want to set up a section of my blog to showcase some pieces like poetry or fiction to help break up the blog post monotony.
First thing I want to talk about is why the domain name. Well anxious rainbows was a joke with my son while I was trying to find an available domain name to register. Then it seemed to make sense. Anxiety is more than a symptom a person has to deal with, it becomes a type of lifestyle. Anxiety comes in different “flavors” wheatear it’s from bi-polar, PTSD, general anxiety, etc. and they all have certain behaviors with come with them. I have anxiety from PTSD, I had a traumatic event when I was 19 years old. Since then I have dealt with it and the bouts of depression for 26 years now. Anyone reading this who also deals with anxiety I want you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have had some setbacks in my life, most recently last year, but I manage to come back stronger because I learn something new about myself. Starting this blog was a way to help me deal with some residual things that have kept me from managing my anxiety this past year. Like rainbows, I have had both rain and sun in my life at the same time. We can’t have the pretty rainbow without the rain right? So in all our lives some rain must fall to have something beautiful come out of it. I hope you find your rainbow soon as well.