Rainbow of Emotions

So I had an eventful day today. I woke up to a text from my brother telling me that my Daddy had a stroke and was in the hospital. I called and managed to get someone at the hospital watching Daddy and get some more information about his status and what would happen for the next few days. Then I get a call from Daddy himself which told me how much he has recovered already making me feel so...

Private Space

I still need to work on this site to make it more viewable before I want to start advertising it online and try and get traffic here. I am working on writing more and become more open in how I feel and actually write them down. I feel like for now this site is my online "secret" journal where I can write stuff down that I still feel reluctant to say to anyone. At least this is giving me practice...

Back again?

So I have been having issues with my anxiety and I am not happy. I keep having challenges in writing because my anxiety convinces me that I will never make it in writing so why bother trying at all. I am not liking having this feeling. I mean if I don't try of course I won't succeed so why is it that I am letting my anxiety help make what I fear a reality. I have to write to practice and I worry...

It lives!

Well it mostly lives. I am getting help on getting the site up and running finally. Look soon for posts and other exciting stuff. Something to look forward to while the world is ending...or at least feels like it with the lovely COVID19 situation going on now. I really hope it blows over quickly in the United States. I am having issues with my anxiety which is why I am glad I am working on this...

Old Dog New Tricks

I have been trying to figure out the layout and functionality of Word Press and try to finally get my site fully up and running. I am finding that my tech skills aren't what I thought. I found a new plugin to help with editing and I hope I finally got it where I can get what I want to finish up on the site. In other news I am dealing with the hormone storm now. So that means I try to take care...

To Furt or not to Furt

I learned a new word this week. Furt: to feel fine and to hurt at the same time. I found the definition in a urban dictionary online. Seems it was a word created by rappers to use in their songs. I think furt is the perfect word to describe someone with anxiety or depression. My life has been hell this last year. I am dealing with peri menopause, thyroid dysfunction, and my PTSD symptoms all...

Hello Everyone!

So I am starting a lifestyle blog. I will talk about my 25+ journey with PTSD, all things Tom Geek, gaming, parenting, and anything that is about life in general. This blog is mainly a window to my world. I hope you like it and continue to share my journey with me! I intend to write at least once a week or more depending on how interesting my life gets that week. I also write so I want to set up...