So I was suppose to post every Friday and oops. I was going to get on and post before I got other stuff done and before I know it it is technically Saturday morning. D: Well better late than never I guess.
This week has been eventful. I got ghosted on Discord, yay! So I had a situation on Sunday and that ended up seeing someone couldn’t get my messages. When I went to see if they were on my friends list I noticed another person wasn’t there either. I talked with the first one about playing in a game we both partied up in a lot. I lost a bunch of rank, so I told him that when he messaged Saturday. He sad sorry I didn’t know and then nothing else. I would even know he unfriended me if I didn’t look for the second person.
It just makes me think that online is as real as “real life”. I don’t know, while I didn’t know this person that well it still sucks. I mean we talked like I would if they were face to face with me and then bam ghosted. I don’t feel too bad about it though so I hope that means I am getting that thick skin I keep being told to grow. Who knows.
In other news I have a procedure coming up next week and I am feeling the anxiety having a field day in my brain and on my body. Sheesh so much aches and headaches. I feel the level of anxiety like it’s a major surgery and it’s an outpatient procedure. I just love my anxiety sometimes. If you want mole hills turned into mountains just call me. I’ll post next week how things went.