Gaming is a big part of my life. I have been playing some type of computer game since I was 11 years old. I started on the PC when my mother was able to get one for our house, to arcades, to consoles, back to PC all in a matter of about 35 years. I enjoy playing as well as the strategies that come with playing to win. I also enjoy meeting people from all over the world during game play. Gaming is for sure one of my favorite things to do in life.
Relationships are hard for me. I want relationships so bad which makes it so painful as a result when they fail as they often do for me. I don’t know what relationships are the one thing that seems to always escape me no matter how hard I work on getting and then maintaining one. Maybe it’s because I want one so bad that I am always seeing what is going on, mostly wrong too by the way, and other things that I may not be doing right I don’t notice because it isn’t as important to me. Who knows.
What does gaming and relationships have in common? Having to rely on other gamers to rank up in some games. From MMOs to Tactical FPS, they all require you to play with other gamers to get anywhere in the game. Lately I have been so frustrated in playing in a particular game trying to increase my rank. From some gamers who are at my level or lower willing to play with me, to higher level players never having the time it’s been such a chore just to get on this game. I just am at the point I want to quit the game altogether, but I really do enjoy it so……I don’t know. Bleh again a time where I feel like people suck.
I’m not sure about this post. Your ideas are sound enough, but nevertheless it’s impossible to count on whatever others might do. Please elaborate, because I believe you’re a worthy writer and I hope to see more from you!
This post if just talking about how I feel about gaming and wish I could be better skill wise with gaming. I don’t think I should worry so much on what others might do because of how I feel about gaming. Thank you for thinking I am a good writer, I appreciate your compliment.