Onward with the Grind!

So I am looking for a job now. I haven’t been working on my writing lately, and I am so worried about finances that I barely focus on anything right now. I feel like a failure with not keeping up with my blog like I was intending earlier this year. I have projects that I never sit down to write out. Bleh my depression has gotten so bad lately. I am not in full out crisis which is a blessing. Yet depression at any level sucks. I hope things get better for me and my family by the end of this year. I thought last year was really brutal, but this year is putting last year to shame. I am almost afraid to see what next year has in store for any of us.

2 thoughts on “Onward with the Grind!

  1. I don抰 even understand how I finished up here, however I believed this publish used to be good. I do not recognise who you’re but certainly you are going to a famous blogger when you aren’t already πŸ˜‰ Cheers!

    1. Thank you very much. I hope I can get my site up fully and really get it going. Come back to see my progress in the future. πŸ™‚

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